🙅♀️No one I know has ever explicitly asked to have “bad things” happen to them. What about you? Do you know anyone who loves misfortune? Sure, there are some people who seem to thrive on complaining and crisis. 😑 But the majority of us want things to go well for us and our loved ones.
What I have learned about life is that it is a pendulum swing from great to terrible. 🎢 You might see it like an emotional rollercoaster with highs (joy) and lows (sadness). Since my stomach “falls out” on those kinds of amusement park rides, I will stick to the left and right swing metaphor. 🤣
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Sometimes life hits us hard when we least expect it. But guess what? Life also offers us great things to be joyful about... unexpectedly.

Another thing I learned is that for some life experiences, we can be prepared. 💫 For example I always took breathing classes for a few months to prepare for delivering my 4 children. I didn’t really use the tools though since the first 2 shot out of me at the speed of flying baseball ⚾️ into the gynaecologist’s “mitt”.
The third was an emergency C-section which was quite frightening and the last also a semi programmed one too. 👩⚕️ Preparing gave me more confidence to even let nature run its course.
Fast forward to 2020 - 2021, how prepared were we all for these past 2 years of major upheaval? I was only half prepared for the 6 family deaths we had over a 6 month period, even though it was tougher than tough. They were cancer and old age related so nothing tied to the only topic of conversation on people’s lips. 🤐
With longevity in our family, I never really had much experience with death. So last year "gave me that opportunity". It was transformational.
💘This Tiny Tip is about reminding you to do certain things when your day (or year) is going wrong. None of these things will change the situation, but they will make you feel better. 😊 From my experience, you just need some daily TLC to help you get through until things get better - and they will.

TIP 1: “Pamper yourself.” - Have you ever noticed that pampering yourself goes a long way towards making you feel good? For some people, its shopping, working on the car, playing the guitar, taking a long bubble bath, exercising, eating ice cream. 🍧 Think about what makes you feel comforted and spend some time doing it.
I have always required little sleep. For years I could get by on 5 - 6 hours a night. Well, guess what? This past year the thing that saved me was sleeping 9 hours a night. 🛌 My body required regeneration time that walks in the park or talking with family members did not provide. I listened to my body and this helped me feel emotionally balanced most of the time.
TIP 2: “Remember good times.” - When we go through a rough patch, it is the bad memories that keep haunting us. Take a stroll down memory lane (use a photo album if you have to!) and remember the good old days when life was less weary. 🖼 Spend an extra amount of times on the memories that mean the most.
With messaging apps I was able to send pictures to family members abroad and keep the memories alive of our loved ones who transitioned. 👩💻 It felt great to hang out together on zoom calls and laugh about the silly things we had all done with those people.
TIP 3: “Help someone.” - Helping someone will make you feel needed. I'm sure whoever it is, will be appreciative of your effort. It will also help, to keep you occupied. 😲 Sometimes seeing a smile on a person's face and knowing you had a hand in putting it there can turn a bad day into a wonderful one.
Since I took time off social media and networking internationally, I spent time doing research. 🚑 And thank goodness because I found protocols that helped neighbours fearful of going to the hospital, stay at home and recover brilliantly. And I did major house organising and had tons of clothes, books and toys to donate to charity.
Write down these tips then check out the offer below and sign up for the Best You Yet Course.
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TIP 4: “Remember the less fortunate.” - By taking time to think about those who have less than you, you will start to think about what is good in your life. 🙏 This will make all but the most drastic events seem better and easier to deal with.
I don’t intend you feel “better” than other people, but if you are reading this, you are still “better off” than a huge percentage of people on this planet. And even if you are not in top shape or have lost your job, you can still reinvent yourself. It is possible.
🏄♂️ Reach out if you need support or sign up for a DIY Course with your Personality Profile. This will give you the clarity and direction in which to move forward.
TIP 5: “Remember that this too shall pass.” - Nothing lasts forever and most bad days don't carry into the next. 🙌 Know that there is a more positive day just around the corner. A good night's sleep is all it takes to get there.
Sometimes we need to “hit bottom” to stand up stronger and go further. Hanging out in the middle of a mediocre life of semi happiness or contentedness is not where it is at. Sometimes we need the swing of the pendulum to go to the extreme challenge side so we dig deeper into our inner resourcefulness. 🏅
Take the tough times to get more clarity and confidence. This is the best preparation to write a new chapter in our life and swing towards more joy and fulfillment.
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Diana Dentinger
If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.
For my Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for the Creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching, fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses.
I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
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