From Confusion & Overwhelm to Clarity & Confidence in every Area of Life!  Finally feel fully resilient & resourceful.

How can the World's most Empowering, Precise & Profound Personality Profile support you?
VALUED AT $1896 - ONLY $97 instead of $147
  • Make better decisions thanks to greater clarity & confidence.
  • Increase your vitality to do more of what matters to you.

Does this Sound like You?

You are smart & savvy

And you have been around the block a few times. You know that life can offer more what you are living now. You want to create better.

You've achieved things you are proud of

On the outside your life looks pretty good. But there’s another layer. You want to feel great on the inside too, which isn't always the case.

You are fed up with the "roller coaster"

And all the ups and downs, like things spinning out of control. It seems like time is slipping by and you haven't lived to the fullest.

"Know Yourself" to Get Unstuck! Then Get Ready for Positive, Long Lasting Change!

The Best You Yet 21 Day Challenge is filmed in a 1600's Villa to Inspire You to Live the Beauty of Who You Really Are!
Write your awesome label here.

Introducing the Only 21st Century Personality Profile

You've tried lots of tools and techniques but realised "something is missing". We know what that "something" is. 
What I know for sure with 30 plus years of Corporate Training & Coaching, is that YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE than you are being right now. When you unlock your personality potential, your life transforms for the better!

When you don't live the fullness of who you are, well, that's when you become emotionally, mentally and physically drained. This is the fast track to "dis-ease", disorders and illness.

Being the best you, is the best way to stay healthy and happy, productive & pleasurable. The ancient Greeks said it thousands of yours ago: Know Yourself. There was a reason.
The Best You Yet and Complete Personality Profile with Diana Dentinger on Your Life Your Way Academy

What Successful Professionals Say

"This program is astounding. Even my wife, sister and children got coached. Everyone needs Your Life Your Way Coaching. Diana, thanks for making it accessible to more people!"
Miguel Ribeiro Ferreira
Shark Tank Judge, Portugal
"Treat yourself to time with Diana and watch magic happen! She has simplified a complex topic and gives you practical and fun ways to integrate and implement what you discover about your true north."
CEO, Her Company Inc., USA
"I got more out of 2 days with Diana than in 8 UPW's. I was even involved in the organization of Robbin's events. This is just what I was looking for in my own Personal and Professional Development.”
Callum Bridgeford-Brice
CEO, No. 1 Heath Store, UK

A close up of a Personality Profile & Playbook Manual

It becomes your Life Instruction Manual
Read the 12 one page descriptions plus  watch the 12 personalized videos (each 7 minutes) so you tap into your innate talents. You feel energized and empowered after a few hours.
Write your awesome label here.

Knowing Yourself with this Depth Allows You to...

(Then watch the powerful video testimonials below)
Be your best so you manage your time, your roles & responsibilities confidently.
Have a doable plan to take steps towards achieving the results that matter to you.
Stay vibrant to get more done, in less time for greater fulfillment and success.
Remove the nagging fears and obstacles that drain your energy & waster your time.

Right Now Your Life might be Unnecessarily Rough WITHOUT these 4 Foundations in Place

Your unique Personality Profile supports you having each one!

Without Clarity?

- You waste so much time searching for answers or in generic self help.
- You stay confused too long.
- You are super easily distracted.

Without Confidence?

- You wait for others permission or follow the latest leader or guru.
- You start things and then stop when it gets hard instead of breaking through.

Without Energy?

- You are a drain for yourself and others and quite a drag to be around.
- You look for quick pick me ups like caffeine or shopping.

Without Action?

- You don't get much done setting yourself up for massive regret.
- You waste time just planning or thinking then have to hurry.

Kind Words from People Worldwide

Tools No One Else Has

Paulo Fernandes
Write your awesome label here.
"Diana has a capacity of looking into you. She's a lovely person, amazing. I know a lot of people in the Coaching world, but she's special. Because I think she has tools that nobody has. Diana really is one of the best people I know in terms of Coaching, in terms of getting you to another level."

The Missing Piece

Gillian Hipp
Write your awesome label here.
"This Methodology found a spare puzzle piece that I hadn't been aware of in my Personality. Actually it was the missing piece that's not been there for my whole life. Now it's fully integrated and it's given me confidence..." 

Major Career Boost

Mopani MK
 Banking Industry, UK
Write your awesome label here.
"What happened when I learned this, then suddenly I had a lot more energy. I started to feel good naturally... I managed to increase my income by over 58%... Why? Because my peak performance energy went up! I feel good! Definitely look into this."

This is NOT about Working on Yourself!

Nor breaking through limiting beliefs, nor inner child work, nor mindset shifting, nor healing the past, nor changing your story nor the other thousands of  "band aids" offered in the self help industry to try to make you feel a little better.

This IS about Playing with Your Personality

This Methodology goes way beyond others because it is based on leading edge Neurobiology. Your Personality Potential is in your DNA at conception. AND Your unique Personality Profile reconnects you to that information. This is holistic so your body, brain and soul feel light. It is fun, freeing and fulfilling to finally KNOW YOURSELF.

A 21 Day Process to become the Best You! Better You. Better Life.

Right now you might be you standing at a career crossroads or feeling disconnected from your true potential?  Your Unique Personality Profile in the Best You 21 Day Process is an empowering journey for a life aligned with your greatest self!

Get Your Unique
Personality Profile

Gain a crystal-clear view of your best self to enhance every aspect of your Personality & Life. Going through the Profile sets the stage for an empowered existence, filled with purpose and joy.

Learn from the Masterclass Series

Shift from the "work on yourself" grind to growth through play, creativity, and excitement. Turn personal development into a delightful exploration of your potential.

Access Exciting & Effective Bonuses!

You’ve always known you’re meant for more. Maintain momentum to move forward on your goals, dreams and desires by continuing to integrate an always better version of yourself.

This is about Coming Home to the Best You

It's a Personal Journey

You are One of a Kind. You are Unique! The Profile that helps you get more of what you want in your life... by simply being MORE YOU

Finding Your Direction

With Your Profile you go on a Self Discovery Journey understanding & integrating each of the 12 aspects of yourself to move forward with ease.

In a Playful Way

The idea of "working on yourself" can seem cumbersome. That is why the whole "feel" of the Your Life Your Way™ Methodology is fun!

Here's Everything You Get & Why it's All Life Changing

Get Your Personality Profile in the Best You Yet and Complete Personality Profile with Diana Dentinger on Your Life Your Way Academy

You are Unique

And you are so much more than 1 of 8 types! With this precise and profound tool, you remember and fully reconnect with all the greatness you have inside. It is fast and fun because the most fun part of life is being the real you, always, everywhere and with everyone!  VALUED at $197

Plus 9 Bonuses to Keep You Motivated Forever!

VALUED at $297
You might want to go through this in a few hours on a Saturday morning or over the 21 Day Challenge. The videos help you understand the Facets of Personality so you express who you are in the most effective way in the areas of life.
VALUED at $97
The Playbook is your notebook for the Best You Yet Course. It is color coded so you follow along with ease jotting down what you remember about yourself so you commit to becoming more and better day by day.
VALUED at $47
"Play with Your Personality"disrupts the weighty and scary feelings that "working on yourself" might bring up. Here we make if fast and fun with giving you a colorful game board where you write your Key Personality Words so at a glance, forever, you stay tuned into your greatness.
VALUED at $127
Because once you go through your Profile and become a better version of yourself, you want to maintain and improve that by talking to yourself in a realistic and positive way. These exercises help you communicate better in every area of life.
VALUED at $127
Since your Personality Needs catalyze deeper self knowing you will find yourself more inspired to do greater things with your life. What you really want  becomes crystal clear... plus how to get it too! You finally feel a richness to your life experience.
VALUED at $127
What if everyday could be meaningful, even if it is filled with seemingly unpleasant or repetitive tasks? When you do these exercises, you realise that all you had to do was "put more you" into your day and that was the key to more joy!
VALUED at $27
When you decide to "up level" or improve your life, it is important to listen to motivating things so you maintain the inertia towards greater happiness, health and success. This soothing audio book journey keeps you light and joyful.
VALUED at $100
You might decide to accelerate the process and enroll in One on One Coaching. For the 3 Hour Session, 1 Month, 3 Month or 9 Month programs you get your money back from having invested in The Best You Yet 21 Day Challenge!
VALUED at $750
IMPORTANT! Self Help is OVERRATED. It is hard to see yourself objectively. That is why Diana includes 4 PASSES to access her during her bi-weekly office hours so you can get personalized answers and feel fully confident.

The Intention is to Set You Free from Ever Having to do More Self Help! Total Value $1896

Once You Enroll, Here is the Simple Profiling Process


Fill Out the Open Ended Questionnaire

It takes about 20 minutes because you write answers to open ended questions. This is NOT multiple choice like the Psychometric Tests. You are NOT put in a "category" of 1 of 4 types. You are UNIQUE. You will naturally use "key words" that for us indicate your Personality Needs.

Read & Watch Videos of  Personality Descriptions

You get a PDF Readout with the description of who you are, your Personality Needs, in each of the 12 different Facets of Complete Personality. It has been "hard" to be the real you up to now because you have not been able to "organize" all this information to become the best version of yourself.

Play with Your Personality & Live Your Unique Way

Create a life on your terms, live your life your way, based on who you really are. Express your best for yourself, give your best in relationships and in your career. Life becomes so simple. You are at ease no matter what goes on in the outside world. You live who you are meant to be

For Your Information: Here's Why this Process is Leading Edge

- You have the answers inside of you to solve any issue or challenge and to realize any desire or dream.
- Those answers are crystal clear when you know who you are with this depth and precision.
- Not knowing WHO YOU ARE is the cause for the stress and struggle you have experienced in life .

Putting you into 1 of 6 types simply doesn't cut it now in the 21st Century. You are more.


The key words and metaphors in this Profile give you access to information in your brain's frontal cortex.


Here you discover there are 12 different Facets to complete Personality with precise descriptions of all your innate talents.


Fact: Needs drive behavior. Your set of 12 innate Personality aspects are actually emotional NEEDS that drive your actions.


The other profiles were used for job selection back in the 1930's. They are not about WHO YOU ARE.


When you fully express each of the 12 aspects of yourself you are on your unique path to realization.

You finally create Happiness & Success with Ease

All You have to do is Play with Your PersonalityExpect to feel a renewed vitality that calms your overwhelm, confusion and frustration once and for all. Your Profile & this process open you to a profounder level of happiness & success. Become resilient and resourceful to be better than before! 
Diana Dentinger

Hi, I'm Diana Dentinger

Why this Personality Profile might merit your attention. Here's my professional info: Over 30 years experience as a Leader in the Industry.

  •     Coaching & Training since 1989 (yes, I am over 60)
  •     Psychosomatic Illness therapist since 2004
  •     Best Selling Author & International Speaker
  •     Creator the Personality & Needs Profile®
  •     Founder of the Your Life Your Way Academy
  •     Awarded Top 100 Women Achievers 2018

Growing up in a huge, midwestern USA family, with over 250 relatives, I realized at a young age that every person has their own set of talents & issues. This "people filled" environment sparked my interest to understand what made each person unique.

In 1980, I received a scholarship to Miami University to study medicine but after a year understood that I was not interested in fixing illnesses.

I yearned to help people be happier with themselves, get along with others (since my parents didn't) and become who they are meant to be.

Even though I graduated in 1984 with a degree in Business & Marketing, my preferences tended towards Human Resources.

Moving to Europe in 1984 after graduation, I became an Entrepreneur in Germany offering a wide variety of serviced to Americans abroad, then subsequently became a Corporate Trainer & Team Building Specialist in Italy from 1989 on.

Each of my 4 pregnancies allowed me to slow down and research more about Unique Individual Programming, Human Potential and take part in high level Energetic & Spiritual work. Reverse engineering my experience as a Psychosomatic illness therapist, in 2004 I created the Personality & Needs Profile® and this revolutionary "biological" Coaching Methodology.

My hundreds of clients in over 20 countries of the world say I know them better than they know themselves. I feel honored and responsible to guide them to be their best. It is thanks to having simplified complex concepts like Personality and put them into a fun, "game board" like process that they all thrive in their life, relationships and career. And you can too!

As Seen & Heard On around the World

This leading edge Methodology has been featured in over 200 media channels in the past 7 years. We are here to evolve the Coaching & Training Industry as well as Education Systems so individuals have clear answers about who they are.
Diana Dentinger as seen on in the world with the Your Life Your Way Academy

Need to Hear More?  

I hadn't seen myself

Write your awesome label here.

Natalie Jane Wood

"I got the profile and I got hooked. Because getting the profile back, it was a striking moment. It's like getting a mirror. Reading the words that describe you, it's like somebody put the mirror in front of you which you hadn't looked at for a long time... here was something bringing out the best in me...."

Love the playfulness

Write your awesome label here.

Stig Bertelsen

"...really, really good method to be able to get together a spiritualistic view on things... I think that's very good because I'm inspired by you actually. Also the playfulness because I love the playfulness in it. "

Completely unique

Write your awesome label here.


"From what I've seen other people do is, again, they don't have this, they don't have the expertise to speak about the genealogy and everything else. So it would be kind of a disservice to say this is anything similar to what I've seen in the past. It's completely unique. This goes into more of a personal deeper level, more than anything I've seen as well, which is so good and great. I really can't express in words how powerful it is."

My reference guide

Write your awesome label here.

Business Consultant, Bahamas

"I've not seen anybody get in my head the way you have with this, and you've made it scientific, which is logical. Like now I have something that I can literally refer to, you see? So I can go back and read more about that. So you've given me this reference guide that I cannot listen,and you've given me a gift. You gave me such clarity because it's like, okay, this is me!"

Get Your Complete Personality Profile with a DIY Masterclass Series for only $97 instead of $147. Valued at $1896 with 9 Great Bonuses & Discount Enrolling Today!

Gain life changing clarity, unstoppable confidence and unlimited energy to live your life to the fullest! 
  • Leading Edge Video Masterclass Training
  • Personalized to you with your Profile Readout
  • An Empowered You in about 3 - 4 hours time

How is this Methodology unique? Read the FAQ

People Love the Process

They Say it.
Only We Teach it.


A Fast, Fun and highly Effective Process

More Kind Words from People like You

Energy of Confidence

Dr. Philippa Moss
Minister, Coach, Bahamas
Write your awesome label here.
"If you know who you are and all your different facets of your personality, then it becomes easier. I don't have to watch that, that's what they're doing. And I think that is the most important thing to have because, like you said, you give off that energy when you're confident in it. And, I believe in you attract what you attracted back to yourself."

Crying with Joy

Dr. Pratima Shah
Write your awesome label here.
"When I was reading the Personality Profile, I felt as if Diana knew me more than my parents ever did... It was so overwhelming I was literally crying when I was reading it..."

Absolutely Brilliant!

Brid Hanlon
Timewaver therapy, Ireland
Write your awesome label here.
"Absolutely brilliant! I had no idea of who I was… I even feel upset about it because I managed to provide without knowing and my reference points were always outside, who does that person say I am, do I fit in…then I must be ok even if I don’t know who I am. I have a lot of catching up to do."

Imagine Your Life if You Always Felt...

100% Confident, Radiant & Unstoppable

Play with your Personality! No need to "work on" limiting beliefs, get out of your comfort zone or set boundaries. Those are "old school"! Welcome to the 21st Century!  

Ready to go with Crystal Clear Goals

You have the answers inside! Once you know "who you are" then the "how to" magically and effortlessly flows out of you. It becomes simple to live a purposeful and prosperous life.

More Energetic than ever before!

Say goodbye to mind chatter, self doubt and second guessing. You know how to achieve the MORE you desire to be. Get ready for fun.... because the funnest thing is being YOU!

For People of every Age, Profession & Background

There are massive benefits to knowing who you really are! You make better decisions based on your Personality needs, you set your priorities and you manage your time for greater success without the stress and struggle. Better You. Better Life.

Women evolving to create more overall Fulfillment

Empowerment seems to be the key word for women this decade. And many feel this urgent calling to do more of what is meaningful to them in family & community.

Entrepreneurs & Leaders contributing to Society

With the work context changing many are migrating to having their own businesses. Not everyone is "cut out" so hop on a one on one call for personalized suggestions.

Millennials desiring success on their Terms

As the young adults see that the "old way" of doing things, like just climbing the ladder to success, is going out of style, they want to make better decisions earlier to have the balanced life their parents didn't.

Coaches discovering more Advanced Tools

Here in the Academy we offer Facilitator Certification because most Coaches & Trainers lack an effective Personality Profile. Book a One Hour One on One Session to find out more.

The Common Thread among our Clients is that They Know They are so Much More than They are Being now

Our Mission & Vision: A More Meaningful Life for the Many.
We Provide Personal & Professional Development for People of all Ages at Prices accessible to Most.

Take Away all the Useless Guess Work

Unlock Your Full Potential

How about a life changing & inspiring tool designed to eliminate the guesswork from your self-discovery journey?

Welcome to the Personality & Needs Profile®. Accompanied by a comprehensive video Masterclass Series, it is tailored to guide you through the intricate landscape of your innate Personality, you in 12 different Facets of Complete Personality.

Tap into all your Innate Potential with Your Personality Profile

Getting your Personality Profile in this BEST YOU YET DIY Training, you get videos that guide you through a proven process to complete in about 3 - 4 hours. Valued at  $1896. Yours for $97 instead of $147.
Write your awesome label here.
We have a no refund policy because it is our belief that this creates an excuse for people to not take action and commit fully to their Personal & Professional Development. In each course, you get your personalized Profile Readout which has immense value in itself along with the Masterclass Trainings. Investing this low fee and some of your time will save you tons of energy drain on hesitation, procrastination or analysis paralysis.

All About You: Read. Watch. Learn. Improve.

In a world constantly shifting, where roles evolve and expectations vary, there lies a profound question at the core of our being: Who am I, really?

Uncover All Your Innate Talents 🌈

 Dive deep into your unique blend of talents.
Personal and professional calling revealed.
Your talents are your guide to fulfillment.

Your Pathway to Being Crystal Clear 🌟

Illuminate the heart of your existence.
Discover the work you're meant to do.
Clarity leads to confidence and direction
Know who you are in the Best You Yet and Complete Personality Profile with Diana Dentinger on Your Life Your Way Academy

Connect to Your Real Needs & Passions 💖

Reconnect with your passions and interests.
Infuse every day with purpose and joy.
Make passion a priority, not an afterthought.

From Stalled to Vibrant Living 🚀

Break free from the cycle of fleeting excitement. Engage deeply with what truly matters. Experience vibrant living with every day filled with purpose.

Be the Real You. The Best You.

Imagine life if you were crystal Clear, totally Confident & full of Energy... always and everywhere taking Action to realize your dreams & desires!

With Yourself

Having the vision & direction so you fully trust in yourself and your innate knowing. Pursuing your dreams and desires with joy!

About Your Energy

Feeling balanced, mentally and emotionally, allowing you to make the best decisions for how to dedicate your time.

In Your Relationships

 Giving the best version of yourself to everyone! Noticing how your sense of calm and inner peace create harmony all around you.

In Your Profession

 Believing in yourself so, if needed, you pivot into something more fulfilling and flourish thanks to owning your gifts and talents.

Here's a Recap of the Amazing Bonuses!

VALUED at $297
You might want to go through this in a few hours on a Saturday morning or over the 21 Day Challenge. The videos help you understand the Facets of Personality so you express who you are in the most effective way in the areas of life.
VALUED at $97
The Playbook is your notebook for the Best You Yet Course. It is color coded so you follow along with ease jotting down what you remember about yourself so you commit to becoming more and better day by day.
VALUED at $47
"Play with Your Personality"disrupts the weighty and scary feelings that "working on yourself" might bring up. Here we make if fast and fun with giving you a colorful game board where you write your Key Personality Words so at a glance, forever, you stay tuned into your greatness.
VALUED at $127
Because once you go through your Profile and become a better version of yourself, you want to maintain and improve that by talking to yourself in a realistic and positive way. These exercises help you communicate better in every area of life.
VALUED at $127
Since your Personality Needs catalyze deeper self knowing you will find yourself more inspired to do greater things with your life. What you really want  becomes crystal clear... plus how to get it too! You finally feel a richness to your life experience.
VALUED at $127
What if everyday could be meaningful, even if it is filled with seemingly unpleasant or repetitive tasks? When you do these exercises, you realise that all you had to do was "put more you" into your day and that was the key to more joy!
VALUED at $27
When you decide to "up level" or improve your life, it is important to listen to motivating things so you maintain the inertia towards greater happiness, health and success. This soothing audio book journey keeps you light and joyful.
VALUED at $100
You might decide to accelerate the process and enroll in One on One Coaching. For the 3 Hour Session, 1 Month, 3 Month or 9 Month programs you get your money back from having invested in The Best You Yet 21 Day Challenge!
VALUED at $750
IMPORTANT! Self Help is OVERRATED. It is hard to see yourself objectively. That is why Diana includes 4 PASSES to access her during her bi-weekly office hours so you can get personalized answers and feel fully confident.

Now is your time! Become the Best You in a Fast, Fun & Effective Process plus 9 Great Bonuses Today!

Getting your Personality Profile in this BEST YOU YET DIY Training, you get videos that guide you through a proven process to complete in about 3 - 4 hours. Valued at  $1896. Yours for only $97.
Write your awesome label here.
We have a no refund policy because it is our belief that this creates an excuse for people to not take action and commit fully to their Personal & Professional Development. In each course, you get your personalized Profile Readout which has immense value in itself along with the Masterclass Trainings. Investing this low fee and some of your time will save you tons of energy drain on hesitation, procrastination or analysis paralysis.
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