From Confusion & Overwhelm to Clarity & Confidence in every Area of Life! Finally feel fully resilient & resourceful.
Make better decisions thanks to greater clarity & confidence.
Increase your vitality to do more of what matters to you.
Where You Might be Stuck Now
You are smart & savvy
You've achieved things you are proud of
You are fed up with the "roller coaster"
"Know Yourself" to Get Unstuck! Then Get Ready for Positive, Long Lasting Change!
As Seen & Heard On around the World
What Successful Professionals Say
Why Get Your Personality Profile?
Why Life might be Unnecessarily Rough
(P.S. You lack these 4 Vital Foundations)
Without Clarity?
- You waste so much time searching for answers or in generic self help.
- You stay confused too long.
- You are super easily distracted.
Without Confidence?
- You wait for others permission or follow the latest leader or guru.
- You start things and then stop when it gets hard instead of breaking through.
Without Energy?
- You are a drain for yourself and others and quite a drag to be around.
- You look for quick pick me ups like caffeine or shopping.
Without Action?
- You waste time just planning or thinking then have to hurry.
What You Get in the 21 Day Challenge
Why it's All Life Changing

You are Unique
Plus 9 Bonuses to Keep You Motivated Forever!
Diana's Intention is to Set You Free from Ever Having to do More Self Help! Total Value $1896
In only 10 minutes a day for 21 days, you can fully become who you really are to make better decisions and manage better your time to get more life out of life.
Get Your Personality Profile with a DIY Masterclass Series for only $97 instead of $197. Valued at $1896 with 9 Great Bonuses & Discount Enrolling Today!
Leading Edge Video Masterclass Training
Personalized to you with your Profile Readout
An Empowered You in about 3 - 4 hours time
What People Say from around the World
Tools No One Else Has
The Missing Piece
Major Career Boost
This is NOT about Working on Yourself!
This IS about Playing with Your Personality
Need to Hear More?
I hadn't seen myself
Love the playfulness
Completely unique
My reference guide
More Kind Words from People like You
Energy of Confidence
Crying with Joy
Absolutely Brilliant!
Here's the Life Changing Offer: Your Complete Personality Profile with a DIY Masterclass Series. Valued at $1896 with 9 Great Bonuses.
Leading Edge Video Masterclass Training
Personalized to you with your Profile Readout
An Empowered You in about 3 - 4 hours time
What You do in the 21 Day Process to become the Best You
How You Get Your Personality Profile
Fill Out the Open Ended Questionnaire
Read & Watch Videos of Personality Descriptions
Play with Your Personality & Live Your Unique Way
Who am I? Hi, I'm Diana Dentinger
- Coaching & Training since 1989 (yes, I am over 60)
- BioPsychology & Psychosomatic Illness therapist since 2004
- Best Selling Author & International Speaker
- Creator the Personality & Needs Profile®
- Founder of the Your Life Your Way Academy
- Awarded Top 100 Women Achievers 2018
Growing up in a huge, midwestern USA family, with over 250 relatives, I realized at a young age that every person has their own set of talents & issues. This "people filled" environment sparked my interest to understand what made each person unique.
In 1980, I received a scholarship to Miami University to study medicine but after a year understood that I was not interested in fixing illnesses.
I yearned to help people be happier with themselves, get along with others (since my parents didn't) and become who they are meant to be.
Even though I graduated in 1984 with a degree in Business & Marketing, my preferences tended towards Human Resources.
Moving to Europe in 1984 after graduation, I became an Entrepreneur in Germany offering a wide variety of serviced to Americans abroad, then subsequently became a Corporate Trainer & Team Building Specialist in Italy from 1989 on.
Each of my 4 pregnancies allowed me to slow down and research more about Unique Individual Programming, Human Potential and take part in high level Energetic & Spiritual work. Reverse engineering my experience as a Psychosomatic illness therapist, in 2004 I created the Personality & Needs Profile® and this revolutionary "biological" Coaching Methodology.
My hundreds of clients in over 20 countries of the world say I know them better than they know themselves. I feel honored and responsible to guide them to be their best. It is thanks to having simplified complex concepts like Personality and put them into a fun, "game board" like process that they all thrive in their life, relationships and career. And you can too!
Why a 21st Century Personality Profile
Why is this Methodology Outstanding & Leading Edge?
Putting you into 1 of 6 types simply doesn't cut it now in the 21st Century. You are more.
The key words and metaphors in this Profile give you access to information in your brain's frontal cortex.
Here you discover there are 12 different Facets to complete Personality with precise descriptions of all your innate talents.
Fact: Needs drive behavior. Your set of 12 innate Personality aspects are actually emotional NEEDS that drive your actions.
The other profiles were used for job selection back in the 1930's. They are not about WHO YOU ARE.
When you fully express each of the 12 aspects of yourself you are on your unique path to realization.
What are you waiting for? Total package Valued at $1896 and today for only $97.
Leading Edge Video Masterclass Training
Personalized to you with your Profile Readout
An Empowered You in about 3 - 4 hours time
About Personality, Your Multi Facetedness and FAQ
How People Love the Process
The Course Content in 10 Min a Day
Videos are also on a YouTube Playlist for Your Convenience
A close up of a Personality Profile & Playbook Manual
Imagine Your Life if You Always Felt...
100% Confident, Radiant & Unstoppable
Ready to go with Crystal Clear Goals
More Energetic than ever before!
For People of every Age, Profession & Background
Women evolving to create more overall Fulfillment
Entrepreneurs & Leaders contributing to Society
Millennials desiring success on their Terms
Coaches discovering more Advanced Tools
The Common Thread among our Clients is that They Know They are so Much More than They are Being now
Take Away all the Useless Guess Work
Unlock Your Full Potential
Welcome to the Personality & Needs Profile®. Accompanied by a comprehensive video Masterclass Series, it is tailored to guide you through the intricate landscape of your innate Personality, you in 12 different Facets of Complete Personality.
Everyone says "Know Yourself" but Only We Teach it.
What You do: Read. Watch. Learn. Improve.
Uncover All Your Innate Talents 🌈
Personal and professional calling revealed.
Your talents are your guide to fulfillment.
Your Pathway to Being Crystal Clear 🌟
Discover the work you're meant to do.
Clarity leads to confidence and direction

Connect to Your Real Needs & Passions 💖
Infuse every day with purpose and joy.
Make passion a priority, not an afterthought.