Dec 1 / Diana Dentinger

Why your anxious energy is innate and how to use it best to begin each day.


Maybe you just have the "Innovative" Need.

Personality is the "tool" that you use to make your way through life. It is vitally important to understand what your tools are and how to leverage them to create happiness, have success and feel fulfilled. Your "anxiety" is an aspect of your Personality.  
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When you don't know how to use your Personality, you struggle to make certain things work out - like relationships and career advancements. Often you second guess or question yourself, spending more time overthinking things, confused or worried, instead of feeling sure of yourself. 

Yes, the tough part about Personality, is that you have your own unique set of tools, and with that, no one could ever really teach you how to use them properly to their fullest potential. Your parents, caregivers and role models had their own toolboxes and were trying to figure out how to use them to solve their issues and create their lives. So they weren't necessarily capable to show you how to use yours!

So what does it take for you to reach into that toolbox (called you) and pull out the right thing at the right time? How do you get to being skillful at living your life, your way? Let's solve this Personality enigma once and for all!

Back in the 1990's, when I first set up my Corporate Training business, I was using various mainstream behaviour and performance assessments to support company teams reach results. But for me, there was something vitally incomplete. As a human being you are so much more than 1 of 8 types! 

While studying to become a Neurobiology therapist specialised in unblocking Psychosomatic illnesses, I saw back in 2004 how Personality is programmed at conception and can be decoded. 

When a patient talked about their feelings, described their life experiences and even their day to day preferences, it became clear how to help them use their greater potential. I saw how Personality starts as Needs that you feel driven to express. Sometimes you use these Needs unconsciously and you even reach a goal and feel great. But then you aren't sure how to replicate it over again in different life situations! 

More often than not, because you aren't fully aware of your Personality Needs as tools to help you solve your challenges, you feel stressed, like here, with the Innovative Need and you become anxious and nervous. 
DO YOU have your complete profile yet?

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Watch the video above to hear the details of "what it's like" to have the Innovative Personality Need. And then read the excerpt from my Best Selling book "Modus Vivendi - Your Life Your Way" below to get a snapshot of how you feel, think and act. Remember, it's not just understanding the Personality Need, it is also knowing where it is in your Complete Personality.

If you already have your Personality Profile, then this video will help you really express more of your potential in the precise Facet of Personality in which you have the Innovative Need. 

If you have the Innovative Need in one of the 12 Facets of your Complete Personality, then here are some of your positive aspects. You love starting, initiating and inventing. You are innovative, spontaneous and curious.

In Your Head
It’s like you have your head full of so many projects and things you want to do. You know you have your whole life in front of you but you still get panicky when things don’t start. You were born ready! You take action in a fast, fun and playful way. For as much as you are spontaneous, you also like punctuality. Your willpower is your personal accelerator.

In Your Heart and Soul
You have the curiosity, eagerness and innocence of a child. No matter how old you are, you always find something new to do to keep you busy. Being busy equals being happy. You are less excited about routine and finishing what you start. The fun is in new beginnings. Each day, each interaction, each meal is a new one even if you share them with the same people. 
The name of the game for you is to experience. Start what you want and have fun!
Diana Dentinger
In Your Body
You can get antsy, fidgety and impatient easily. Learn to feel your nervous system. Bring all those ideas and projects down from your head and pass them through your heart. It is easy to feel the life force they provide. Then bring the life force down from your heart to below your belly button. You are a smooth talker and skillful doer but sometimes too hesitant. With the energy in your gut and legs now, just "do your ideas"!

Your predictable pitfall is being fretful, “hysterical” or infantile when things don’t go your way. You could even be “paralysed” with fear to start what you really desire. Your sweet spot is your individuality. You are ready to experiment anything

The Your Life Your Way™ Personality Profile and Coaching Methodology has been a life changer for my one on one clients in over 20 countries of the world. It is a leading edge tool to help you have more control of your life and happiness. YOUR BEST NEXT STEP IS THE BEST YOU YET COURSE! Enroll today for only $97 and get your complete 20 page Personality Readout, plus 110 page Playbook Manual and a Life Changing Masterclass Series to guide you through the proven process. 

Our Mission is to Empower You to Be You, and to make these tools accessible to as many people as possible by taking away the excuses about "not enough time or money". You have so much inside to explore and now it is possible.

Your happiness is important, but an even more life changing outcome is that knowing how to be you is what keeps you healthy!!! (Remember this tool comes from reverse engineering Psychosomatic Illnesses.) 

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Diana Dentinger

If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 blood relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.
For my Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for the Creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching, fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses. At heart, I am a Science nerd. 
I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
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