BUNDLE OFFER to Bounce Back with Confidence for Change Made Easy!

  •     Have you been settling for less happiness or success than you really deserve?
  •     Do you hesitate to make changes even though you know they are positive?
  •     Are you feeling like you really are so much more but just don't know how to be it!
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You might realize that something has got to change

It could be something imposed upon you or of your own choice. It could be your approach. Discover how to steer through change with confidence!

Ready for a Clear Start?

You can say goodbye to self doubt when you know how to feel what is best for you and take action on that. Your Profile helps you gain that precision of clarity to see yourself in your greatness!

Ready to Value Yourself?

You instantly feel more confident and feel capable to take back command of your life. Your Profile helps you re-assess and re-align to the real you in an empowered way so you make better decisions. 

Ready to Create the Best?

Design your life based on who you are and what you really desire in your heart and soul. Your Profile gives you the boost of energy you need to fulfill your needs and create stability in times of uncertainty. 
we all tend to resist change until something forces us to

Right now you might be feeling like this

Maybe the idea of change brings up some irritation inside of you and with that defensive reactions and reflexes. You prefer to procrastinate on making decisions. You let yourself get distracted easily chasing shiny objects. Guidance could help you stay focused and consistent.
You are not as sure of yourself as you used to be. Let's call it lower self confidence or esteem. You are waiting for other people to accept and approve of you. You are trapped living up to other's expectations of you. You give others permission to define your self worth. You are ready to change this!
You find yourself making excuses about why you aren't motivated, and even share them with others. Inside you really feel disappointed with yourself. You get energy boosts here and then but they don't last. Certain habits aren't helping you get what you want in life.

You got from 16 - 72 on the Assessment. This is a great fit!

How about A FAST & fun solution

Change into a Better You

Now it is possible! You are a unique person with a unique Personality.  Positive change, confidence and energy begin by gaining the clarity of your innate talents and purpose.

The power of the Your Life Your Way™ Methdology is the Personality Profile! It reconnects you to the real you which allows you to Play All Out in the game of life! And win... your way!

From people worldwide

What you get in this Life Changing Series

Your Unique 20 page pdf Partial Personality Profile Manual with Exercises

The foundational tool in the Your Life Your Way™ Methodology is your Readout with emotionally moving and practical descriptions of your 3 Core Unique Personality Needs. VALUED AT $97
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Bounce Back with Purpose Masterclasses

Follow along in a simple process to step into your greater potential, find solutions to current desires and struggles so you bounce back before than before and on top of your game!!! VALUED AT $495 

Change Made Easy Masterclass Course

Become resilient & resourceful so change is exciting. Get a boost of self confidence today with the support of your Partial Personality Profile in this Masterclass Series to Make Change Easy... Your Way! VALUED AT $495
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Self Confidence for Women Masterclasses

Discover how to energize your life by showing up real in every situation! Find the secrets in this Series because Confidence is more about the Energy of being you and your Endocrine System than superficial techniques! VALUED AT $495 

Self Confidence for Men Masterclasses

Make the best decisions by showing up empowered in every situation! Why for Men only? To learn how your endocrine system & survival brain plays trick on you & keeps you small! VALUED AT $495
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Fantastic Energy Formulas Masterclasses

When you feel stressed, you can't focus, relax, sleep well nor have fun. And the primary cause of stress, on the deepest level, is a disconnection from yourself. VALUED AT $495 

As Seen & Heard On around the World

Our leading edge Methodology has been featured in over 200 media channels in the past 5 years. We are here to evolve the Coaching & Training Industry as well as Education Systems so individuals have clear answers about who they are and why they are here.

Praise from High Level Professionals

"This program is astounding. After a 2 Day Intensive with Diana I even got my wife, sister and children coached. Everyone needs Your Life Your Way. Thanks for making it accessible to more people!"
Miguel Ribeiro Ferreira
CEO Fonte Viva, Shark Tank Judge
"Treat yourself to time with Diana and watch magic happen! She has simplified a complex topic and gives you practical and fun ways to integrate and implement what you discover about your true north."
Nancy Allen
CEO Her Company Inc.
"I got more out of 2 days with Diana than in 8 UPW's. I was even involved in the organisation of Robbin's events. This is just what I was looking for in my own Personal and Professional Development.”
Callum Bridgeford-Brice
CEO No. 1 Online Heath Store
Great Britain

Watch the Walk Through

This Mini Masterclass Series is the first step to getting you clear about your inner talents so you can better face any challenge and realize any dream!

It is personalized as it includes your Partial Personality Readout with descriptions of who you are in the Core 3 Facets of Personality (3 Facets out of the 12 total of complete personality).
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Learn to Bounce Back with Purpose, Make Change Easier, Gain Self Confidence & Up Your Energy Levels... simply by being you.

You got from 16 - 72 on the Assessment. This is a great fit!

Powerful Process to Tap into a More Resourceful You

  • Your Own Pdf Profile
  • 3 Personality Videos
  • 5 Life Changing Courses
  • Effective Exercises
  • Pdf Manuals for Each Course

Confidence in Times of Rapid Social & Economic Change 

These unexpected changes might have impacted your life and you want clarity on a best next step towards greater certainty and stability.

Maybe there's some "meaning in this madness" and you want to know how to grow and evolve.

Grounded Energy to Find Solutions to Real Issues

Fast moving changes, from technology to systems such as schooling, will continue. How prepared are you to reinvent yourself?

Since this might go on longer, you want to be feel empowered no matter what.

Natalie Jane Wood

"I got the profile and I got hooked. Because getting the profile back, it was a striking moment. It's like getting a mirror. Reading the words that describe you, it's like somebody put the mirror in front of you which you hadn't looked at for a long time... here was something bringing out the best in me...."
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Write your awesome label here.

Mopani MK

"What hat happened when I learned this, then suddenly I had a lot more energy. I started to feel good naturally... I managed to increase my income by over 58%... Why? Because my peak performance energy went up! I feel good! Definitely look into this."

Brid Hanlon

"I'm aware that as most people, I had no idea who I was.... I even feel upset about it because I managed to survive without knowing, without having any flipping clue. And my reference points were always out there outside. Who does that person say I am? Do I fit in here? If I fit in here, then I must be okay. At least even if I don't know who I am, at least I'm okay.  I have a lot of catching up to do."
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Your Partial Personality Profile & 5 Masterclasses

The most important change to make now is to change into your greater potential! Now is your time! This series of Masterclasses is personalised to you as it includes your Partial Personality Profile Readout with your Core 3 Personality Need Descriptions.  VALUED AT $2572 - TODAY ONLY $37 
  • Your Core 3 Innate Needs & Talents
  • Trainings & Manuals to Guide You
  • Fun Reflections for Positive Change
They say it.
We teach

Come back to Yourself. Step into Your Power.

"I was so surprised at how precise all this information is about me. It helped me to observe and change certain behaviors in a way that actually make me feel better! So now I understand why instead of putting myself down for stuff."
Aine Brence
Fashion Designer, Great Britain
"Diana has an amazing ability to connect, inspire and teach people how to truly be their most authentic self. Once aligned, you'll have a deeper understanding that will help you move through your life freely with a silent yet bold sense of confidence."
Leadership Coach, Ex Marines, USA
"Diana, you have blown me away with what you knew! It was so impressive and accurate.
You are so talented and intuitive. Everyone will be very impressed with what they learn about themselves and their dear ones."
Lorie Marrero
No. 1 Best Selling NY Times Author,  USA

 Instant Access to these Courses & Content


Diana Dentinger

If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.

For my Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for the Creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching, fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses.

I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
Write your awesome label here.

Your Partial Personality Profile & 5 Masterclasses

Total value is $2572 - Today for you only $37.
  • Get Your Partial Personality Profile of Your 3 Core Talents
  • Watch Fun Trainings with Guided Manuals for Effectiveness
  • Each Course lasting about 1.5 hours for Fast Growth
We have a no refund policy because it is our belief that this creates an excuse for people to not take action and commit fully to their Personal & Professional Development. In each course, you get your personalised Profile Readout which has immense value in itself along with the Masterclass Trainings. Investing this low fee and some of your time will save you tons of energy drain on hesitation, procrastination or analysis paralysis.

You got from 16 - 72 on the Assessment. This is a great fit!

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