Check out the latest books & audios Diana has produced to help you be your best!

Modern life has become full of distractions. If you are not careful you get sucked into being a passive observer of others or wasting time consuming entertainment... instead of being an active creator of your life focusing on expressing your best and living "your way".
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Are You Living Your Way!

You may or not have your Complete Personality Profile. If you do, you will get more out of the books Diana Dentinger writes. 

Meet Beatriz

Meet Viktor

Meet Alysia

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Modus Vivendi - Your Life Your Way

Now the Best Selling Book is in AUDIO FORMAT read to you by me, the Author! Take your 7 Day Self Transformation Journey for FREE!

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Coach for Consciousness
Diana Dentinger
Specifically for Coaches to Learn the 12 Powerful Pieces to Transforming Lives in the 21st Century.
Play All Out
Diana Dentinger
For anyone who wants more out of life by playing their inner game better for greater meaning and success.
Having the Time of Your Life
Diana Dentinger
The 5th Generation of Time Management that exceeds the classical ways to use a diary or agenda!
Change This First
Diana Dentinger
By managing your stress reaction style, half your issues magically disappear. And of course if you laughed more too.
Cut Out to Be Together
Diana Dentinger
For couples and families wanting to get along, be more compatible and live the love everyone yearns for.
Conscious Communication
Diana Dentinger
When we have the skills, we can share ourselves fully and our life experiences through how we speak.
Your Way with Words
Diana Dentinger
How to increase your health and happiness by using words that facilitate energy and vitality.
Diana Dentinger
A fun yet profoundly philosophical book on how to honor life by finding your answers inside. And it is simpler than you know.

While you are waiting, want more resources?

This leading edge Methodology has been featured in over 200 media channels in the past 7 years. I am here to evolve the Coaching & Training Industry as well as Education Systems so individuals have clear answers about who they are and why they are here.  

Figure Out Your Best Career Fit

Quick Relief from Imposter Syndrome

Figure Out Your Real Life Purpose


Diana Dentinger

I'm your behind-the-scenes guide to bringing out your best self. Back in 1985 I started my career as an Entrepreneur, Corporate Team Building Trainer and Executive Coach.

Since then, I've been on a mission to design programs and write books that are not just quick and enjoyable but outrageously effective. Whether you're navigating the choppy waters of personal growth or seeking a spiritual compass, I've got something for you.

After 5 years of rigorous study in 2004, I become a Psychosomatic Illness therapist with a depth of experience no one in my Industry has.    Along with a toolbox of other methodologies, I set out to unravel the mysteries of why it is so hard to be our REAL selves.

Reverse engineering the research and experimenting the power, I was able to create the Personality & Needs Profile® and Your Life Your Way Coaching Methodologies. These landed me the Top 100 Women Achievers Award in 2018.

I have lived in northern Italy raising my 4 children since after graduating from Miami University of Ohio in 1984.
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