be your best for MAKING THE BEST decisions

Get One Full Month of Coaching  with Diana in 4 Sessions of 1.5 hours + Unlimited Messaging

When you need to make important decisions for your life, relationships or career, it is vital to have a Coach. This VIP Journey is like a One on One Workshop just for you! It is power packed with Personal  & Professional Growth to make the best decisions to move forward.

REMEMBER YOUR $100 OFF if you are already enrolled in the Best You Yet Challenge with your Personality Profile. SEE THE SCHEDULE PDF FOR THE COUPON CODE!

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You also get access to the Best You Yet 21 Day Challenge as well, to do at your own pace. It comes with Masterclass Trainings & Your Complete Personality Profile Readout so it is personalised to who you are. VALUED AT $4896 - USUALLY $2100 - TODAY FOR $1500

What's really going on?

Feeling frustrated & blocked from reaching your goals?
Burning out or losing motivation? Pushing too much to move forward?
Write your awesome label here.

The 4 Pillars to Success with Ease & Grace

#1 Be Crystal Clear

There are timeless existential questions that you need clear answers to:

  • Who are you,
  • Why are you here,
  • Where do you excel,
  • What you do,
  • How you do them.

#2 Feel Fully Confident

Clarity seeds confidence! When you have precise and profound answers, then you fully trust in your inner "knowing". This new found guidance system helps you show up empowered.

#3 Have Life Force Energy

How about some nerdy science?
Your cells contain quantum light energy. Being you, the real you, is your prime energy source. Remember this!!! It's how you self generate and regenerate.

#4 Take Focused Action

What you do, where you do it, when you do it, for whom you do it... are all just mirror reflections of who you are. You never lose motivation because you are being you, doing why you are here.

What Successful Professionals Say

"This program is astounding. Even my wife, sister and children got coached. Everyone needs Your Life Your Way Coaching. Diana, thanks for making it accessible to more people!"
Miguel Ribeiro Ferreira
Shark Tank Judge, Portugal
"Treat yourself to time with Diana and watch magic happen! She has simplified a complex topic and gives you practical and fun ways to integrate and implement what you discover about your true north."
CEO, Her Company Inc., USA
"I got more out of 2 days with Diana than in 8 UPW's. I was even involved in the organisation of Robbin's events. This is just what I was looking for in my own Personal and Professional Development.”
Callum Bridgeford-Brice
CEO, No. 1 Heath Store, UK

As Seen & Heard On around the World

This leading edge Methodology has been featured in over 200 media channels in the past 7 years. We are here to evolve the Coaching & Training Industry as well as Education Systems so individuals have clear answers about who they are.

Are you a high achiever who has reached many milestones & want even more? But...

But you might have made some mistakes along the way and know that now is not the time to do any more "trial and error".
But you might worry about burning out and wasting time or money using the wrong strategies to get ahead.  
But there are blocks! You have something so big inside of you that you feel like exploding! What is in the way?

How about a simpler, more balanced & surefire way to greater success & fulfillment?

You've tried lots of tools and techniques but still something is missing. We know what it is & how to unlock the answers you need.

Diana helps busy professionals with big dreams stay in their flow to make things happen fast!

Natalie Jane Wood

"I got the profile and I got hooked. Because getting the profile back, it was a striking moment. It's like getting a mirror. Reading the words that describe you, it's like somebody put the mirror in front of you which you hadn't looked at for a long time... here was something bringing out the best in me...."
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Paulo Fernandes

longevity expert, portugal
"Diana has a capacity of looking into you. She's a lovely person, amazing. I know a lot of people in the Coaching world, but she's special. Because I think she has tools that nobody has. Diana really is one of the best people I know in terms of Coaching, in terms of getting you to another level."
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Dr. Pratima Shah

university professor, india
"When I was reading the Personality Profile, I felt as if you knew me more than my parents ever did... It was so overwhelming I was literally crying when I was reading it..."
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Mopani MK

"What happened when I learned this, then suddenly I had a lot more energy. I started to feel good naturally... I managed to increase my income by over 58%... Why? Because my peak performance energy went up! I feel good! Definitely look into this."
Write your awesome label here.

Gillian Hipp

PHD Movement therapy, UK
"This Methodology found a spare puzzle piece that I hadn't been aware of in my Personality. Actually it was the missing piece that's not been there for my whole life. Now it's fully integrated and it's given me confidence..."
Write your awesome label here.

This VIP Month can be done over 4 Calls of 1.5 Hours, even on weekends.  Usually $2100 - Today $1500.

  • Together I walk you through your complete Personality Profile Readout and story tell "what it's like to be the best you".
  • You connect to a greater version of yourself who sees how to achieve your dreams and goals & overcome challenges along the way.
  • And you create a realistic vision plus a plan of what to do and how to be to make this happen in the shortest amount of time.

Along with the Coaching Sessions (Valued at $2100) Here's Everything Else You Get (Valued at $2796) & Why it's All Life Changing

Get Your Personality Profile in the Best You Yet and Complete Personality Profile with Diana Dentinger on Your Life Your Way Academy

You are Unique

And you are so much more than 1 of 8 types! With this precise and profound tool, you remember and fully reconnect with all the greatness you have inside. It is fast and fun because the most fun part of life is being the real you, always, everywhere and with everyone!  VALUED at $197

Plus 9 Bonuses from the Best You Yet 21 Day Challenge if You have not already enrolled!

VALUED at $297
You might want to go through this in a few hours on a Saturday morning or over the 21 Day Challenge. The videos help you understand the Facets of Personality so you express who you are in the most effective way in the areas of life.
VALUED at $97
The Playbook is your notebook for the Best You Yet Course. It is color coded so you follow along with ease jotting down what you remember about yourself so you commit to becoming more and better day by day.
VALUED at $47
"Play with Your Personality"disrupts the weighty and scary feelings that "working on yourself" might bring up. Here we make if fast and fun with giving you a colorful game board where you write your Key Personality Words so at a glance, forever, you stay tuned into your greatness.
VALUED at $127
Because once you go through your Profile and become a better version of yourself, you want to maintain and improve that by talking to yourself in realistic and positive way. These exercises help you communicate better in every area of life.
VALUED at $127
Since your Personality Needs catalyze deeper self knowing you will find yourself more inspired to do greater things with your life. What you really want  becomes crystal clear... plus how to get it too! You finally feel a richness to your life experience.
VALUED at $127
What if everyday could be meaningful, even if it is filled with seemingly unpleasant or repetitive tasks? When you do these exercises, you realise that all you had to do was "put more you" into your day and that was the key to more joy!
VALUED at $27
When you decide to "up level" or improve your life, it is important to listen to motivating things so you maintain the inertia towards greater happiness, health and success. This soothing audio book journey keeps you light and joyful.
VALUED at $1000
Your VIP Month includes whatsapp or Messenger messaging directly to Diana. When "life happens" you message her and she answers with an audio so you reflect, stay accountable, feel motivated or  celebrated in your outstanding wins!
VALUED at $750
Additional 4 Office Hour Live Group Q&A Calls for  laser sharp suggestions from over 30 years experience in Coaching about how to manage your time and energy to continue to move in the direction of your life.

Total Value $4896

See up close a Personality Profile Readout & Your Playbook Manual

Diana's clients say that their Personality Profile is like a Life Instruction Manual that contains answers to whatever issue or desire they have so they show up more energised and empowered.
Write your awesome label here.

Content of the 21 Day Best You Yet Challenge

You can go through the whole Course in a 2 hour morning before the calls or together with Diana Dentinger

More Powerful Words from People Worldwide

Absolutely brilliant

Write your awesome label here.

Brid Hanlon
Timewaver therapy, Ireland

"Absolutely brilliant! I had no idea of who I was… I even feel upset about it because I managed to provide without knowing and my reference points were always outside, who does that person say I am, do I fit in…then I must be ok even if I don’t know who I am. I have a lot of catching up to do."

Love the playfulness

Write your awesome label here.

Stig Bertelsen

"...really, really good method to be able to get together a spiritualistic view on things... I think that's very good because I'm inspired by you actually. Also the playfulness because I love the playfulness in it. "

Completely unique

Write your awesome label here.


"From what I've seen other people do is, again, they don't have this, they don't have the expertise to speak about the genealogy and everything else. So it would be kind of a disservice to say this is anything similar to what I've seen in the past. It's completely unique. This goes into more of a personal deeper level, more than anything I've seen as well, which is so good and great. I really can't express in words how powerful it is."

My reference guide

Write your awesome label here.

Business Consultant, Bahamas

"I've not seen anybody get in my head the way you have with this, and you've made it scientific, which is logical. Like now I have something that I can literally refer to, you see? So I can go back and read more about that. So you've given me this reference guide that I cannot listen,and you've given me a gift. You gave me such clarity because it's like, okay, this is me!"

Our clients love this 

"I have pretty much have taken ALL the popular tests and assessments out there and none of them have dug this deep into targeting who I really am and what I really need. Your process is the missing piece to what I currently need in my life. Your vision of expanding out your process and methodology is much needed. There are so many people who this to be their first step before beginning or starting any other program or assessment."
Entrepreneur, Atalanta, USA
"This program show cases your true self, and shows each individual is unique, derived predominantly as a biological factors. It describes in detail why we unconsciously operate in self sabotaging ways, which has a bearing on our genealogy which is very true as I am discovering everyday by practicing some of the techniques Diana has taught."
Nagananda Chandrashekar
Sales & Marketing, India
"Easily identified myself. So useful to know that my 'preferences' are in fact 'needs' - and now recognised I can take responsibility for meeting them. I foresee this becoming part of the core training for coaches, counselours and therapists. Essential for parents, teachers and everyone who works with people, and everyone who wants a better understanding of themselves. Excellent!"
Jasmine Simpson
Success Coach, New Zealand

Finally You Get Clear Answers to Overcome Any Blocks

"I have attended many workshops and heard so many coaching styles, patterns and topics, but none of them is as unique as yours. Your coaching is so tailor made for each and every individual. 
 If knowledge is power, self knowledge and awareness is the ultimate light and power. I am really glad I met you. My heartfelt thanks!"
Life Skills Coach, India
"Diana represents the change that I so desperately needed. Before coaching with Diana I was very confused about who I really was, sad and with no enthusiasm for life, doing everything robotically, even the things that I once loved doing. She helped me rediscover myself. Amazingly she knew so much more about me than I actually ever did."
Vitoria Castro
Video Marketing Mastery, USA
"Diana is a kind, wise, intuitive & insightful guide. I love her powerful passion that flows through her work, spreading to her clients, enabling them to thrive in all avenues of life. Diana helped me bring out my inner child to support my life’s purpose. If you decide to work with Diana, you are in for a joy ride that will change your world for the better!!"
Ariella Forstein
Vocal Coach, Tedx Speaker, USA

Crystal Clear for Confidence, Energy & Focused Action. Your 4 Calls of 1.5 Hours with Diana, Plus the Amazing Bonuses including instant messaging for the Month. 

Bring your life, your career and relationships to new levels of happiness & success! VALUED AT $4896.
  • Together I walk you through your complete Personality Profile Readout and story tell "what it's like to be the best you".
  • You connect to a richer version of yourself that helps you tap into how to achieve your desires with your greater potential.
  • And you create a realistic vision plus a plan of what to do and how to be to make this happen in the shortest amount of time. 
We have a no refund policy because it is our belief that this creates an excuse for people to not take action and commit fully to their Personal & Professional Development. In each course, you get your personalised Profile Readout which has immense value in itself along with the Masterclass Trainings. Investing this low fee and some of your time will save you tons of energy drain on hesitation, procrastination or analysis paralysis.

Diana Dentinger

If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.

For my Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for the Creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching, fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses.

I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
Write your awesome label here.
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