Discover Yourself with 4 Personality "Quizzes"

What's it Like to Be You? Discover who you are, the best career fit, how you show love and your real life purpose in these life changing quizzes!

Become a Free Member by getting these "story telling" videos accompanied by a PDF checklist so you reconnect to your innate needs and shift into living life with more meaning and fulfillment.
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For over 30 years Diana Dentinger has helped thousands of people understand themselves so they make better decisions, achieve their goals and fulfill their desires.
IF YOU crave clarity to make the best decisions for your future THEN YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE

You get all 4 Life Changing "Quizzes"

Personality Quiz

Figure out who you really are
Listen to the description of the 22 Unique Individual Personality Needs to feel which ones sound most like you.

Career Quiz

figure out the best one
Your best career is leveraging your innate talents so you find your flow to get more done in less time and feel great.

Life Purpose Quiz

discover your real one
Hear about how each Personality Need has a specific "reason to be" in a way to contribute to the greater good.

Relationship Quiz

Find out how you show love
You can only "give" who you are, even though most people want from us what we can't give because it is not us! Find out your unique way.

Your 3 Next Steps towards Greater Clarity

 With deeper "Self Knowledge", you become happier, even while doing your daily tasks. You find meaning in even the in the smallest things and appreciate life more.

1. Create Your Log in

It takes a few seconds to join the Academy as a Free Member by filling out your name, email and birth date if you wish. 

2. Watch the Quiz Videos

Enjoy the simple-to-use Course Player to go through the videos and follow along with the Checklist.

3. Live Life to the Fullest

The most effective people are the ones who know themselves. Being the Best Version of Yourself simplifies your life.

Free "Quizzes" for Deeper Self Discovery


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Here is your Free Member Content with Videos & Checklist


Fun Freebies!
Hear about Yourself with 4 Personality "Quizzes"

Discover who you are to more easily get what you want!

  1. What it's Like to be You Personality Quiz
  2. Your Best Career Fit Personality Quiz
  3. How You Show Love Personality Quiz
  4. Discover Your Real Life Purpose Personality Quiz

Join this Free Membership plan that includes videos accompanied by PDF checklists and workbooks that help you reconnect to you!
Write your awesome label here.
For over 30 years Diana Dentinger has helped people understand themselves so they make better decisions, achieve their goals and fulfill their desires. Become a Free Member today!

Diana Dentinger

If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.

For this Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance". The creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching is fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses.

I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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