Leading Edge Personality Quizzes & Masterclasses
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Your 3 Next Steps towards Greater Clarity
1. Confirm Your Registration
In a few minutes hop over to your email inbox to confirm your registration for the Personality Quiz. We will gift you Free Access to the Audio Version of my Best Selling Book "Modus Vivendi" for a Journey of 7 Days to Self Transformation.
2. Create Your Academy Log in
While here, click the blue button to create your unique Academy log in details with your name, email and birthdate if you wish. Then enjoy the simple-to-use Course Player to go through the content and accelerate making the best decisions for your future.
3. Even Get Your Profile Now
Further down the page you can find life changing and personalised Personal & Professional Growth Courses that each come with your Personality Profile. The key to success is to first step into the Best Version of Yourself, then the rest flows easily.
Discover Your Innate Personality Needs in this Quiz
Our clients love this
"Diana represents the change that I so desperately needed. Before Coaching with Diana I was very confused about who I really was, without enthusiasm for life, doing everything robotically, even the things that I once loved doing. She helped me rediscover myself. Amazingly she knew so much more about me than I actually ever did! I gained so much awareness, became a new person feeling happier, more productive and it got better.”
Vitoria Castro
"I have pretty much have taken ALL the popular tests and assessments out there and none of them have dug this deep into targeting who I really am and what I really need. Your process is the missing piece to what I currently need in my life. Your vision of expanding out your process and methodology is much needed. There are so many people who this to be their first step before beginning or starting any other program or assessment."
"Treat yourself to a Program with Diana and watch magic happen! She has simplified a complex topic and gives you practical and fun ways to integrate and implement what you discover about your purpose and true north. Your Life Your Way offers a unique Methodology and a unique perspective that lead to deep understanding and life changing insight."
Nancy allen
Take a short cut by getting Your Personality Profile in these Popular DIY Courses
Here is Your Video Quiz, Checklist, Manual & Masterclasses
Discover Your Innate Personality Needs in this Quiz
Diana Dentinger
If you meet me in person you will notice I have tons of energy. I have intuitively known my purpose ever since I was a kid in a huge family, wanting to figure out what made all my 250 blood relatives different from each other. This was the beginning of my search to find these answers.
For my Methodology I was Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for the Creation of the Your Life Your Way™ Profile & Coaching, fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of my education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses. At heart, I am a Science nerd.
I am a trendsetter, differentiating myself from traditional Corporate Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. I've been doing this in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's living in Italy raising my 4 children.
Patrick Jones - Course author