Your 9 Months of Mentoring with Diana Dentinger
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Access to Diana Dentinger in One on One Calls for 9 Months (2 per month) plus the Triple Your Pleasure & Productivity Course
I have seen it over and over again, that high level professionals compromise their health, well being and often their most important relationships to gain success.
Some I see even give up on their dreams or goals to salvage a relationship but then over time feel resentful.
This 9 Months of Mentoring is for you so you improve every area of life while working on your goals. Every month you have 2 One on One Coaching Calls of 90 minutes each to voice your challenges or concerns and share your successes.
On the call, we will do some emotional, mental and energetic realignments to what you wish to achieve so your actions bring greater results.
This Mentoring Program includes access to the cutting edge Masterclasses listed below so you stay focused, feel inspired and form new skills every time you are ready to up level your energy & fulfillment.
Exponentially Amplify your Happiness, Fulfillment & Success in every area of Life
You're astounded at what you've already achieved but it has come with some costs. You are ready to do MORE but this time with more inner peace.
Right now you might feel drained in one area of your life and not realise how it is negatively impacting other areas.
You are pushing to make things happen but you might have lost the sense of why you are doing all this.
You see the fruits of your labours and all the "stuff" you have acquired, but then wonder why you sometimes feel "empty".
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Personal Growth Section
- Affirmation Creation
- Desire Mapping
- Fulfillment Charting
- Real Self Confidence
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Professional Growth Section
- Defining Your "Where"
- Entrepreneurial at the Core
- Your Leadership "Style"
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Relationship Skills Section
- Bridging Gaps & Dialogue
- Couple Compatability
- Parenting "Styles"
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Business Growth Skills Section
- Professional Persona
- 5th Gen Time Management
- Work Life Balance
What to Achieve & Where to be in 9 Months?
To Overcome Obstacles and Challenges with Ease
The power of this program is that it is Personalised to Who You Are! You have your unique way of perceiving and interpreting how things are going. We make sure you are keeping your energy flowing towards your goals.
To Improve All Your Important Relationships
You can give to others "who you are". The problem is often we give the "worst" of ourselves with the people who should be the most important to us. You will be able to show up present and pleasant in all relationships to live more love.
To Build Greater Success in a Meaningful Career
You can follow business building strategies to gain success, but unless they really feel aligned to your heart and soul, getting those results will drain your energy. Keeping your focus on meaning means you have more in the end
How this 9 Month Mentoring is Different!
After 30 years in the Personal & Professional Development Industry conducting courses on every topic a human being needs support with, I decided to create a Program for people like you who want the best of the best!
When it comes to knowing people, my clients say I know them better than they know themselves. This is an honour and a responsibility. Everything I do with clients is focused on supporting them to be their best, thanks to each of us having their Personality Profile. This tool is foundational so you live "your way" to the fullest.
This Methodology is the culmination of decades of rigorous scientific brain research, certifications in many internationally popular behaviour assessments, Training in Corporate, Coaching Entrepreneurs, as well as my experience as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic illnesses. I am also highly sensitive so the One on One calls flow intuitively to feel what you really need over the next weeks so you get life changing insights and strategies.
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Your 9 Months of Mentoring with Diana Dentinger
Take your personal & professional life to greater levels of fulfillment.
Get on 2 Monthly One on One Calls with Diana Dentinger for 9 Months (18 Calls).
Have access to inspirational and educational Masterclass Courses to Triple Your Pleasure & Productivity.
Diana Dentinger
Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for her Creation of the Personality & Needs ProfileⓇ & the Your Life Your Way™ Coaching Methodology. An innovative Change Maker and influential Thought Leader, Diana Dentinger is a Pioneer in spirit, exploring and finding Solutions to Human Behaviour issues at work like low performance, lack of motivation and burnout; and for rapid, long lasting Personal Growth like Self Confidence, Realization & Fulfillment.
As a trendsetter, she differentiates herself from traditional Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. She has been in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's.
Her own proprietary Methodology is fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of her Education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses. Living in Europe since 1984, she raises her 4 children in Italy, spends her time creating content for online programs, inspiring people worldwide and training "New School" Coaches in the Your Life Your Way™ Methodology.
Diana drastically shortens the time for you to get results by getting you to Know Who You Are first. She is the top specialist in Personality, Performance, Symbology, Etymology and Key Word Coding to Shift Behavior. All these are necessary to catalyse long lasting change in people.
She has been seen on over 200 major media channels for her profound work with Executives and Entrepreneurs in her “Women of Meaning” project of “Find Meaning to Find Yourself”. She is a Best Selling Author with her book "Modus Vivendi" and as a featured contributor to the books “Journeys to Success”, “Be More Do More”, “Pure Genius”, “Here’s How I Did It”.
Diana Dentinger, the Your Life Your Way Academy and Certified Global Facilitators are committed to raising consciousness worldwide. Our Mission is to Provide Personal Empowerment Programs for People of All Ages at prices most can afford. We have a Vision of a More Meaningful Life for the Many.
Patrick Jones - Course author