Quick Relief from Imposter Syndrome
Stop letting your life be run by these silly thoughts. Stop holding yourself back from greatness! This Mini masterclass & PDF will help you shift that fast.
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Feeling stifled or inauthentic? Suffering from something like imposter syndrome? What if instead you could...
Feel Confident with Everyone Everywhere!
Feel You are Being Your Best and Improving
Feel You are Capable of Doing What You Decide to Do
What you get signing up to take this Mini Masterclass
Video Masterclasses
Easy to follow along as I guide you through the process in two masterclass trainings of 7 minutes each. You will walk away feeling like you know yourself better, appreciate your talents and can do what you set out too do with confidence.
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Printable Pdf Worksheets
This is a mini course of self discovery for you to connect with your greater potential and how that aligns perfectly with showing up for the real you, without excuses or imposter syndrome. This helps you gain the confidence to be real.
Discover How Real & Confident You can fully become!
"I was so surprised at how precise all this information is about me. It helped me to observe and change certain behaviours in a way that actually make me feel better! So now I understand why instead of putting myself down for stuff."
Aine Brence
"Diana has an amazing ability to connect, inspire and teach people how to truly be their most authentic self. Once aligned, you'll have a deeper understanding that will help you move through your life freely with a silent yet bold sense of confidence."
"Diana, you have blown me away with what you knew! It was so impressive and accurate.
You are so talented and intuitive. Everyone will be very impressed with what they learn about themselves and their dear ones."
You are so talented and intuitive. Everyone will be very impressed with what they learn about themselves and their dear ones."
Lorie Marrero
Praise from High Level Professionals for the Your Life Your Way™ Methodology
"This program is astounding. After a 2 Day Intensive with Diana I even got my wife, sister and children coached. Everyone needs Your Life Your Way. Thanks for making it accessible to more people!"
Miguel Ribeiro Ferreira
"Treat yourself to time with Diana and watch magic happen! She has simplified a complex topic and gives you practical and fun ways to integrate and implement what you discover about your true north."
Nancy Allen
"I got more out of 2 days with Diana than in 8 UPW's. I was even involved in the organisation of Robbin's events. This is just what I was looking for in my own Personal and Professional Development.”
Callum Bridgeford-Brice
Diana Dentinger
Awarded Top 100 World Women Achievers 2018 called "A Woman of Substance" for her Creation of the Personality & Needs ProfileⓇ & the Your Life Your Way™ Coaching Methodology. An innovative Change Maker and influential Thought Leader, Diana Dentinger is a Pioneer in spirit, exploring and finding Solutions to Human Behavior issues at work like low performance, lack of motivation and burnout; and for rapid, long lasting Personal Growth like Self Confidence, Realization & Fulfillment.
As a trendsetter, she differentiates herself from traditional Trainers and Coaches, bringing lightness, play and metaphor creation into Strategic Success Planning as well as profound Science & Spirituality. She has been in the Personal & Professional Development Industry since the end of the 1980's.
Her own proprietary Methodology is fruit of 20 years of rigorous research, study with top European Behaviour Experts and completion of her Education as a Neurobiology therapist for Psychosomatic Illnesses. Living in Europe since 1984, she raises her 4 children in Italy, spends her time creating content for online programs, inspiring people worldwide and training "New School" Coaches in the Your Life Your Way™ Methodology.
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